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January 2002 BOOK OF REVELATION (continued from previous issue) By Carlos Mesters |
The final coming of the kingdom of God (11:14-19) We have reached the last page of history. The seventh angel blows the trumpet (11:15). Strong voices shout. "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever (11:15). The twenty-four elders, who represent the entire people, prostrate themselves and adore God, with these words, "We give thanks to you, Almighty Lord God, the One who is, and who was, for assuming your great power and beginning your reign" (11:17). Thus begins the final celebration of history. In the midst of the acclamation, the name of God is proclaimed: "One who is, One who was" (11:17) ?the same Name which had been proclaimed at the beginning of history: He who was, and is and is to come" (4:8). However, this time God is no longer coming. The coming of God into human history is the new Exodus which has just come to an end. It is all over, God has proved once for all that He is Yahweh, God with us, God Liberator. Here ends the first stage of the journey of the people, the plan of the new Exodus. This was the first aspect under which John 'read' the events of the persecution. From the first 'reading' to the second John had managed to take off the veil and reveal the presence of the Good News of Jesus in the events, and the traits of God's countenance as well. But time had elapsed, and now the persecution of Domitian was striking at the Christians. The situation of the people had changed. The message of the first plan was no longer sufficient to deal with the new events. A reading more appropriate to the people's sufferings had become necessary. To answer the problems of the suffering and persecuted people, John drew up a second plan. To come back to the illustration we have given already, he enlarged the "house" of the Book of Revelation that it may shelter the people and enable them to deal wiht the situation. Hence he added the seventh plague (11:14-19) and worked out the second plan which is given in chapters 12-22. | |
. . . to be continued | |
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