Blaise Pascal in one of his writings, Pensees says that " It is the design of God to redeem mankind, and to bestow salvation on those who sincerely seek it. . . . To these, he renders himself easily discernible, . . . but he conceals himself from those who are equally disposed to shun him." Then he goes on to say "the design of God is rather to rectify the will, than to satisfy the understanding" and "the mercy of God is so great that even when he conceals himself, he gives us knowledge of salvation."
God's sending of Ezekiel to the stubborn and defiant Israelites is one of many instances where in His mercy, God gives "knowledge of salvation". Again, in Paul's case, his sincere seeking of God's salvation leads him to knowledge. This knowledge comes in the form of "rectifying his own will" into an acceptance of his affliction, and thus into an understanding of his own suffering in terms of his union with Christ.
Unfortunately, the people of Jesus' own hometown were disturbed by and could not accept the contradictions of Christianity that Jesus preached and lived. They did not want to be challenged by the local carpenter, not realizing that shunning Him meant losing out on God's gift of the knowledge of salvation.
Lord, send Your Spirit to us that we may see and act in the grace of faith. Amen.