In this Holy Season of Advent, we can easily find the following messages from today's readings: hope, affirmation, promise, commission and instructions.
First, let us ponder how Jesus contemplates the crowd who surround Him. "His heart is moved with pity." To Him, they are like "sheep without a shepherd." So, He sends His own disciples to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." He instructs them to announce with hope that "the reign of God is at hand!" He makes clear His heartiest desire and His love for the people.
Secondly, Jesus' words and actions give witness to what the Lord affirms and promises God's chosen ones through the Prophet Isaiah: the Lord will be gracious to those who cry out; the Lord will provide bread and water to those who hunger and thirst; the Lord will make His voice heard; and will give rain to make the seeds grow, etc.
It is apparent that we are invited to consciously experience how the Lord provides us love and care, and keeps His promises in our daily lives. At the same time, we are challenged to hear Jesus' calling and instructions to extend His ministry to our neighbours. Imagine how meaningful our lives will be when God's desire and ours meet, and we participate in God's project in the world!
Finally, as in the psalm refrain: happy are those who hope in the Lord! God truly affirms our dignity and values.
Lord, we are Your beloved and "sent" people. Help us to build the kingdom with You.