In the early Church, many Jews who became Christians desired to keep elements from their Jewish religion. In spite of Paul's antagonism to them, we may learn from them to reflect upon our own attitudes to change, whether in society or in the Church. Change is always challenging, especially when it seems to threaten us by inviting us to leave our comfort zones.
In spite of Paul's apparent antagonism to the Law of Moses, we should realize that, for the Jews, the Law of Moses was a gift from God.
As God's law, it was a non-threatening gift. In fact it was a great liberating gift, for it gave the Jews an understanding of themselves - it gave them their identity, their religion, their culture, their society, their civilization. Hence the Law was "good news", a kind of "gospel" for them, so naturally many were not prepared to leave it for another world-vision, another Gospel.
The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to greatness and holiness. It gives us our civilization, our Catholic culture, society, value system and world vision. We must not be afraid to let the Gospel draw us onwards and upwards towards God and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to live in serene hope and joy according to Your Gospel.