Have you ever found that one particular sin keeps coming up again and again in your life? Today's Gospel is about forgiveness and a fresh start.
The woman who comes to Jesus says nothing but she expresses much. Her tears reveal deep regret and sorrow for her sins. Her courageous and direct interaction with Jesus at the meal expresses that she desperately wants something to change.
Actually, both the Pharisee and the woman are sinners. The difference is that this woman is deeply aware of her sins. She comes to Jesus humbly and she receives forgiveness. She is gifted with a fresh start.
As long as we are sorry and willing to change, we too can receive this forgiveness. We do not need to carry the past around with us. We are offered real freedom and life through the sacrament of reconciliation. Jesus is merciful. He wants to help us to stand up again.
If a certain sin keeps coming up in life, it can be helpful to consider what is underneath. What am I really hungry for or looking for when I commit this sin?
What would it be like to ask Jesus to fulfill my deepest hungers in a way that is healthy?
Lord, I am a sinner. Please forgive me. Help me to come to You. Lord, grant me a fresh start.