God cares for you. This is the key idea that runs like a golden thread through the scriptures readings today. The question, however, is "Do you believe this?"
In the Gospel passage, we read how Jesus shares with his own power and authority with his closest disciples, and sends them on mission with instructions to take nothing along. The message is clear. A disciple of Jesus must concentrate on the mission at hand and not on his or her personal needs. He or she must depend on the goodwill of those to whom the Gospel is proclaimed. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned with accommodation or making profit. There has to be complete trust in Jesus' word that God will provide.
The first reading too emphasises the importance of trusting God's word. Human knowledge is nothing compared with God's word. In fact, the writer of the proverb prays that God will guard him both from a lying tongue and from want, so that there will not be any temptation to destroy his trust in God's care for him. The psalms also expresses our need to trust in the word of God that is delivered to us in various situations of life.
However, it's a great challenge to trust in God's word. It is easy for us to say that God cares for me when we have enough. Can we say that same when we do not?
Lord, help me to trust You in all circumstances.