How would you like for your foes to be subdued and God's hand be against your enemies? For those who feel unjustly treated - it is an unspoken wish; for others, a relentless demand. What would help for God to answer these wishes and demands? We need to ask ourselves a few questions.
In our lives, are we worshipping any foreign-alien gods? What could they be? Money? Success? Status? Security? Possessions? Image? When God helped the Israelites to leave Egypt, they left their life of slavery. When we were baptized and confirmed, God empowered us - to leave continually our slavery to a sinful life; and to live daily a saintly life. A life that acknowledges what God had said to us, "'I am the Lord your God."' Let us let the Lord be our God. Wake up every day and say, "TGIF" - "Today, God Is First".
What are the voices in our lives? Do these voices interfere with our attentiveness to God's voice? If God's voice is heard, are we heeding it, obeying it? Why not? Stubbornness of heart?
What is promised in Psalm 81? God says, "O that My people would heed Me ... would walk in My ways! At once I would subdue their foes, turn My hand against their enemies," (vv 13-14). What is your desire? The ball is at your feet.
Lord, grant me to grasp Your words, for they are spirit, and they are life.