The story of Adam and Eve tells us much about the effects of sin. Notice what happens after they eat the fruit.
The Lord says, 'Where are you?' (Gen. 3:9). This short question indicates that sin creates distance between God and human beings. Adam and Eve have lost intimacy with God. Sin deeply affects the heart: Adam admits, 'I was afraid' (3:10). Fear enters his life, he is ashamed and wants to hide from God. Adam further remarks, 'The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree' (3:12). With this one phrase Adam blames both the woman and God. Sin leads us to deny responsibility and instead blame others for our own actions.
Like Adam and Eve, we too sin. We feel fear and shame. There is distance between us and God. We struggle to hear God's voice.
Yet, Jesus came to free us from sin. Jesus came to remove the distance between us and God, to draw us into God's family. How do we accept this gift? Jesus says, 'Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother' (Mk. 3:35).
Living according to Christ's invitation is the opposite of choosing sin.
Lord, what is Your will for me? Help me to know this and to live it out.