The gospel story which we pray over today is not about how a good man struggled to make the right moral and legal decisions, for he is not dealing with a dilemma. It is about a man who is rightly confused and fearful in the face of the Mystery!
The gospel story is about how Joseph responds to the God of Covenant with faith. It is a Visitation story.
The Holy Spirit of God revealed to Mary, and then to Joseph in his dream, the Mystery of the Incarnation, and invited him to play an important part in the birthing of the Mystery. Once his fear was lifted, Joseph, the God-fearing man, said "Yes" to God by action. He married Mary and gave the son of the virgin mother the name "Jesus". Thus he became the protector, co-caregiver and guardian of Emmanuel, "God-with-us". The prophecy of Isaiah was thus fulfilled.
This simple, humble man did not live long enough to see salvation history unfold and reach its consummation through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nonetheless, his great leap of faith made him God's partner in the divine project for humankind.
Lord, increase our faith and open our hearts to the Mystery that is God.