What do rain and snow do on earth? They soak and soften the earth. As the earth is soaked and softened, plants from seeds grow. When plants grow, they give us grain. From the grain comes our bread.
What comes from the mouth of God? It is "The Word of God." What does God say about this Word? It is that - It will not return to God empty - It will carry out God's will - It will succeed in what It was sent to do (Is 55:11).
The prophet, Isaiah, shows how the Word of God has within it a progression that is unstoppable, as rain and snow "from the heavens" help plants to grow - to give us grain and bread.
The Old Testament reading for today, Is 55:10-11, is situated within a biblical teaching about God's call to salvation and covenant blessings (chapters 55-56). Right after Is 55:10-11, the Lord's Word was that "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace."
During this season of Lent, let us read more meditatively the Word of God - with all its promises. Let us be assured that what God has promised, God will fulfill.
Lord, help us to live on every Word that comes from Your mouth.