The story of God's strange request to Jeremiah makes more sense if we read it as a parable, not as a real event.
Jeremiah's journey from Judea to the river Parath (Euphrates) would have been 700 miles each way - not a very likely request by God. The river Euphrates symbolizes Mesopotamia, with whom the Jews were making an alliance.
Jeremiah had denounced such alliances as a betrayal of the Covenant which God had made his Chosen People. The story is then a parable about fidelity and trust. Lack of fidelity and trust would "rot" the people just as Jeremiah's garment was rotted. Yet, in spite of their infidelity and lack of trust, God still lovingly calls the Jews "my people", "my renown", "my praise", "my beauty."
The parable may help us to reflect on the reality of our failures, both as Church and as individuals, to increase our awareness of God's eternal love for us. Our behaviour does not always praise or glorify God. The prophets functioned as the conscience of Israel, to bring them to greater self-awareness. Greater spiritual self-awareness on our part will enable us to practice greater fidelity and to put all our trust in God.
Lord, grant us the wisdom to acknowledge our faults and so to learn higher fidelity and trust in Your eternal love.