Jesus the Son gives us the prayer 'Our Father' to pray as God's children, to praise the Father and to ask Abba for what we need in everyday life and for protection.
Jesus tells us the parable of 'The Widow and the Judge'. How the parable is told shows us that the parable-teller is confident in God's vindication of those in need. Jesus, who so insists on our responsibility to the world, is also the one who urges us to pray day and night, to be persistent in asking God for resolutions of unjust situations.
So, to the question: If there is a just God, why does he not do justice? Jesus' answer would practically be something like: Do you desire and ask for the justice of God with enough faith? God will undoubtedly do justice, but you will have to wait.
And the widow, by pestering the judge incessantly, speaks the depth of her need - be granted justice against her opponent.
And the judge, like so many of us, upon seeing what is unjust and absurd in life, discounts God and disrespects people. But he grants the widow justice in the end so that her persistence would not wear him out and he might have some peace back.
Lord Jesus! Let the persistence of my prayer speak the depth of my need. And in my anguish, may I take time to see how God may already be offering an answer.
May God be blessed!