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Posted -
2002/7/13 上午 04:03:08

Fox News recently carried an account that a Lutheran minister had been suspended for participating in an interfaith service at Yankee Stadium last fall for the families of those killed in the September 11 attacks.

"To participate with pagans in an interfaith service and, additionally, to give the impression that there might be more than one God, is an extremely serious offense," wrote the Rev. Wallace Schulz, the official from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod who suspended the minister, the Rev. David Benke. Pastor Benke, who holds a position that is the Lutheran equivalent of a bishop, shared the stage on September 23 with a Muslim imam, a rabbi, Cardinal Edward M. Egan, and Sikh and Hindu holy men.



Posted -
2002/7/15 上午 10:58:49

People thought Catholics are conservative without realizing we have come so far after Vatican II. We are much more liberal than what people think we are. A reaction as strong as this puts Lutherans at least half a century back to pre-Vat II.


Posted -
2002/7/15 下午 12:00:31

But the Lutherans are very diverse, there are liberal Lutherans too.

But what I really wish to point out is that whether this "conservative" attitude should be applauded or not.

After all is being a so-called "conservative" so embarrassing to the world?

I see in these descendants of Luther their founder's primitive prudence, incompromisable insistence on God's status and the uniqueness of the salvic plan of God in Christ, compared to other "faiths".

I almost see Luther himself standing there!


Posted -
2002/7/15 下午 12:05:26

Our Lutheran brothers have the courage to correct such errors of religious indifferentism, how should we be, who claims to be "orthodox catholics"?

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