同學們在電郵中分享了很多。就此造就了一個拼拼湊湊的集體創作來! (以下名字全是假名)
「一年的結束,回顧過去,你有多少要感恩的事呢!其實每件事都可以是感恩的事,只在乎我們怎樣看它!因為在一切事上,就算是最痛苦的事上,都有天主的祝福,細心尋找,你定會找到的!── 甲同學上」
「幾米,很有意思的作品;你提起[痛苦]令我想起最近一位朋友遭受親人突然離世之苦、因而產生對信仰的懷疑:這是個老掉牙的問題,可能是個從慕道者到教友都會問的問題?是試煉....但和天主的慈愛無法劃上等號;是罪過....上主不是位愛懲罰人的天主,好像各種解釋都不圓滿!哪應該是....?── 小丙同學」
「我也想與各位分享主的慈愛:我在1989年復活節領洗。就在我從小等待很久要成為教徒的日子即將來臨的時候,父親突然在1989年3月發現患上末期腸癌,而且癌細胞已全身擴散,醫生說父親隨時會離世,最多是3個月。當時我還有3位年輕的弟妹在求學,家庭環境也不太好。我竟然向天責怪天父,為何對我們那樣殘忍,而且我告訴母親我不想領洗。我母親是一名浸信會基督徒,她告訴我這是一個考驗,叫我要領洗,還叫我要不斷祈禱。(我真慚愧我是如此沒有信德)最後父親在9月離世 (6個月後),而且是沒有多大痛苦。更奇怪的是4位尚未有信仰的弟妹也不約而同的告訴我母親他們想成為天主教徒或基督教徒。我母親很好,叫他們兩處都去聽才做決定,不要悔教,最後4個都成為天主教徒。雖然失去父親令我們非常難過,但背後天主的工程是何其之大。祂延長了父親的壽命,有個幾月父親還能去酒樓與朋友喝茶(醫生說是奇蹟),也令到我4個弟妹成為天主教徒,和令我們發奮去使大家生活過得好一點,父也使我們家人更加彼此關心和珍惜對方。── 乙同學」
「感謝您的分享;的確[苦難]出現時的兩種反應:更親近天主或遠離天主(不是天主離棄我們)。信德是天主的恩賜,您的坦白分享令我獲益!真的感謝上主,感謝上主賜給我一班這麼好的同學、不單是學習信仰知識,和大家相處、分享也是信仰的一環。乙同學,祝福您和家人,願上主時刻與你們同在!Peace── 小丙同學」
「親愛的甲、乙、丙同學:多謝你們真誠既分享。人生雖然充滿痛苦和死亡...但天父就是我們的希望。就算我們現在不明白...也要相信衪吧!感謝天父!感謝你們每一位!── 丁同學」
「乙同學,這一份應該是貼堂證道,很真誠,坦白,這是打從心中出發。── 亞茂同學」
"I remembered: 14 years ago, 2 members of our parish choir had got pregnant almost at the same time. Of course, we all shared the joy with the couples. Ten months later, the wives both bared their first baby girls. But it had come out all out of our expectation: one of the baby girls had born with serious inborn heart malfunction and she had received over 3 great surgeries in 1 week. The parents had not even hold their baby since she was born, until a month later, when the child was dying in their hands. And for the other, this time the 'bad luck' went to the mother, she was diagnosed to have breast cancer when she had got 6 months' of pregnancy and it was getting worse with the hormonal effect during her pregnancy. The doctor finally advised her to give birth to her baby when it had got 5 lbs weight. After that she would receive the cancer operation immediately. This time she had to give birth to her child in a natural way cos if not, she was unlikely to have 2 scissor operations in a very short time and it would be getting worse with her cancer condition for any delay of time...!
Fourteen years later, the two couples are STILL good Catholics actively participating in the Church. The one who had let go of their daughter to the Holy Father was now having a 11 year old son and the other couple live with their daughter studying Form 3! Dear friends, we just don't know what plan God had for us! We don't know even His Time Schedule. Just like my friends, even in bad luck, with their faith in God, they dedicated their lives and placed their trust in God even in the darkest way of their lives--God wanted to give them a present, but it was wrapped with thorns. You need the brave and don't be frighten to be hurt by the thorns while you "open" it. Then you discovered that how the most precious gift He had sent you--The couples had learnt to live the love they have devoted when they had made their promises during the wedding. And God had come to send them the courage to fulfill their vows of love! And they have learnt how to thank God for giving them a HEALTHY child but not nagging their child for poor marks they got, like most other parents do!
We may not have any faith in our live and we still can live in our own way. But it's God who strengthens us that makes our lives become easier to live for.
And I pray for all of us that we would have the enough grace to have the faith to walk with God through out our lives! ── 同學己"
其實,這些故事真的聽得太多;當然有些很有信德的夫婦能跨越這難關,但亦有很多卻離棄信仰,就像我的朋友Hector一樣。信德是天主的恩賜,白白的施予;人畢竟是人,當人遭遇太多苦難時,意志難免受?擊!同樣的事發生在不同的人身上能產生不同的效果。不過,您在文中所提的事的確是強而有力的見證,鼓舞人心................太多事我們無法解釋、也很難去接受!縱使理性上不能完全明白,但全能的上主能用獨特的方法進入人的內心;當你接觸耶穌(宣講、施教),接受真、善、美(真理),你總是無法去拒絕,就這樣進入你心,是抹不走的。不知道其他人又是否這樣信仰、或有可能是另一個長編故事!怎樣也好,看見大家的回應:不難明白你們都有深度的信仰,我從中能有許多得?;能和大家成為同窗委實是我的福氣!再次感謝大家的分享。── 同學丙」
「所以,團體是很重要的。── 亞茂同學」
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