2014 - 2015年度
# 16
   Son of God     【 宗二 Andrew

During the Christmas holiday last year, I had a chance to watch two films with which we Christians have been already familiarized – “Son of God (February 2014)” and “Exodus: Gods and Kings (December 2014)”.

According to some reviews and ratings from the public, “Son of God” film was “Inaccurate story, poor acting, poor directing, poor production... epic fail” when we compared the storylines with the Bible, and on the extreme opposite “This movie will touch hearts and inspire people to read the Gospels to learn more about Jesus”, “An amazing gift”… For me, it was worthwhile to meditate ourselves of Jesus’ journey on earth during Christmas hoping that this could compensate me from not going for a one day retreat conducted by Father Lionel Goh OFM from Jerusalem via skype as it was done during the Christmas time in 2013.

Other than studying the Bible in words, watching the film on Bible was like a "mini-retreat" in which I was touched by the love of Jesus Christ. Different scenes helped me to improve my imagination of human Jesus and the divine Jesus more in depth…… the happiest moment when angels, Magi and shepherds rejoiced the birth of Jesus and the commencement of His journey on earth; the greatest sufferings Jesus as a man experienced when he was being badly tortured and hanged on the cross; the suffering of Mary for His son and of very few of His followers for their master Jesus; the hopeless Jesus when all disciples and followers abandoned him and He asked God why; the completion of God’s salvation plan after Jesus was resurrected. The promise of eternity when Jesus came between His disciples and followers and that He would come again......

If we go with an open heart, this film will be a healing and inspiring experience, and will renew ourselves in a way that very few movies can do with both entertaining and refreshing on our spirit.

For those who want to do a mini-retreat with a film during lent, one may wish go for “The Passion of the Christ (2004)” which was a depiction of the last twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem.

Let move on to the major scenes now.


John, who was the last surviving disciple of Christ and was living in exile, told the film. Jesus was born to virgin Mary, and three visiting wise men declared "Him" as King. 33 years later, Jesus Christ traveled to Galilee and recruited disciples, from James, to his brother John, to Peter the fisherman, to Matthew the tax collector. Through His teachings and numerous miracles, Jesus built a huge group of followers, who called Him the Messiah. Jesus drew the attention of the Pharisees and the Jewish religious leaders. The Pharisees claimed that Jesus was blaspheming God by forgiving sins, which something that only God can do. Jesus responded by saying he was the “Son of God”.

Jesus announced to the disciples that they would travel to Jerusalem for the upcoming Passover. He entered the city on the back of a donkey and was welcomed by a huge crowd of supporters who laid palm. Caiaphas, the head of the Pharisees, was afraid that Jesus’ presence in the city would further agitate the people, who were already in a near state of revolt against the oppressive Romans, led by Pontius Pilate. Earlier, Pilate warned Caiaphas that if there was any trouble from the Jews, he would close the Temple and thus cancel Passover. Upon entering the Temple, Jesus saw the money changers and turned over their tables. This act drew cheers from the supporter and scorn from the Pharisees. Later, Jesus told a little girl that every stone of the Temple would soon fall. The Pharisees took this as a plan to destroy the Temple, and decided that Jesus must be stopped.

Judas approached the Pharisees who gave him 30 pieces of silver for his assistance. That night, the night before Passover, Jesus told the disciples that this would be their Last Supper and said that one of them would betray Him. Then in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas kissed Jesus' cheek and Jesus was then arrested by the Pharisees for blasphemy. The disciples then fled the garden to save themselves.

Caiaphas ordered an immediate trial, even though it was late at night and not in public, which were violations of Jewish law. He was afraid that an open trial on Passover would cause trouble and Pilate would close the temple. Caiaphas asked Jesus if He was the Son of God, and His answer was "I am". This was all the Pharisees needed to hear and they immediately found Him guilty of blasphemy.

In the morning, Caiaphas announced to the crowd of Jesus' guilt and revealed the penalty for blasphemy is death. Judas, horrified by what he had done, threw the silver at the Pharisees and ran off. He later hanged himself. Caiaphas believed that if the Pharisees killed Jesus on Passover it would start a riot, so he turned him over to the Romans for the punishment. Pilate told Caiaphas that Jesus did not break any Roman laws, but ordered him to be lashed 40 times. Since it was the Passover, Pilate said that he would follow tradition and set free a prisoner of the people's choice, and if they chose Jesus, He would be set free. By this time, Jesus' mother Mary has arrived in Jerusalem to see what was happening to her son.

Pilate ordered the crowd to enter his courtyard to choose whether to release Jesus or Barabbas, a convicted murderer and the latter was chosen to be set free. Pilate then asked what he should do with Jesus, and again Caiaphas swayed the crowd to have Him executed by way of crucifixion. Fearing a riot among the hostile people, Pilate ordered the crucifixion and then literally washed his hands of the situation. A battered and bloodied Jesus then carried His cross to Golgotha and was nailed to it by the mocking Roman guards, who earlier had placed a crown of thorns on His head. Before the cross was erected, Pilate ordered a sign attached to it reading 'The King of the Jews'. With John, Mary, and Mary Magdalene watching in horror, Jesus hanged from the cross for several agonizing hours. After forgiving the Romans, asking why God has forsaken Him, and declaring "It is finished", Jesus died. He was then lowered from the cross and placed into a tomb, which was sealed off with a large rock.

Three days later, Mary Magdalene went to visit the tomb, and was shocked to see the rock broken into pieces and the tomb empty. She saw a man by the tomb's entrance, and realized that Jesus had resurrected. Mary went to the disciples' hiding place and told them the good news, but no one believed her. Jesus then appeared to them, and they all now believed, except Thomas who only believed after he touched Jesus. 40 days later, Jesus spoke to his disciples and told them to travel the world to spread His message. He then ascended into Heaven, and the disciples went their separate ways.

The movie concluded with the elderly John saying that all of the disciples were eventually martyred for their beliefs, except for him. He was exiled to live alone on a deserted island until he died. John then saw Jesus, who told him that he would not die but would have everlasting life, and He would return one day…..



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