我以前就笨得多。回想讀大學時,只懂祈禱。我在大學迎新營時求主說:"主啊,請讓我成功約會一位小師妹。” 除此以外,什麼也不夠膽做,當然不成功了。但怎知二十多年後,天主竟俯允了我的祈禱。我太太報了夜神,成為我師妹。天主的計劃和時間,果然和人的不同。願大家更信靠天主,時常祈禱。
說起大學時的O’ camp,很喜歡那時聽過的一首歌,是Robby Benson 的 Blue Balloon,其中有一段歌詞:
Before the rivers run dry,
before the last sad goodbye,
let’s be kind to one another,
we can try.
So don’t just throw your love about,
it’s not too late to find out,
before the sand has all run out
of the hourglass.
What is the true purpose of this four precious and yet somehow arduous years? Let us be kind to one another and make more laughters. Offer our vulnerable selves with meekness and we shall find His goodness. Learn to forgive the inexcusable just as Father has forgiven the inexcusable in us.
I wouldn't worry about the knowledge part because most of us will be wise enough to be the witnesses for the Lord by the end of the fourth year. May the Lord take our effort to heart and be merciful on us, for everyone of us have done our best, given our own horizons and circumstances. Amen.