2017 - 2018年度
# 11
  做耶穌兵     BRS 2 Susith

The graduation ceremony of the Holy Spirit Seminary was held on the 3rd December 2017 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, and we have witnessed the joy of the students, after years of hard work has brought forth the happy moment of graduation that they have been dreaming for.

It is in-fact a precious formation we have been fortunate enough to receive in the Seminary with the dedication and the guidance of the professors. Reminds us of the scripture on the Parables of the Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13: 44-46), that we should acquire with joy by giving up many other things.

Still remember the below picture, a puzzle without much clarity, came across at the start of studying in the Seminary, raising the questions with the driving force behind, finding in-depth the true meaning beneath the mystery of life.

Christian Anthropology:
To love the neighbour, we need to understand who is a human being, what that means to us and the purpose of the gift of life. God created male and female in his image and his likeness. (Genesis 1: 26-27) So the creation of human is to the image and likeness of God. But the sticking point is how should we apply such into our daily life, how could we see God through our neighbour despite the shortcomings and failures in the human nature. We learned that the relationship is vital, as we are created not to be lonely, communion is the channel in guiding us transcending towards God. No doubt, that is why Mother Teresa once said that everything we do should be seen as it is between “You and God”, so we will not be fallen into sin.

We know that God created the universe for us, and everything he created was good. Now we come to the question why today what we see is destruction and misery. So we are facing multitude of questions on what has happened to the world today.

This is one of the reasons, why the Catholic Church has been critical on the environment by issuing Laudato Si (“Praised Be”), an encyclical on climate and justice to “enter into dialogue with all people about our common home.”

We have been taught to love God as the first greatest commandment, but how could we love God, without understanding him well? Christology sheds light on the life of Jesus and explains who was Jesus and what he did, allowing us to get a closer look at him. Not like the present writers who have written books about famous people at their time whom they came to know, Jesus has not written his autobiography nor biography written by others at the time of Jesus, except the words Jesus wrote on the ground (John 8:8). So we have to rely heavily on the Scripture to know Jesus.

Christology enables us to take Jesus as our true “celebrety and superstar” not just in imagination but in reality, into our daily life, because Christology directs us in explaining the insight of Jesus’ Divinity and the Humanity. Jesus is the true God and true man, consubstantial with the Father as to his divinity and consubstantial with us as to his humanity; "like us in all things but sin”. (ccc 467).

Contemporary Science and Christian Belief:
It is still often a belief and a misconception of many, that Religion is in conflict with Science. However, being able to look into one of these most fascinating subjects, the Contemporary Science and Christian Belief, we are able to understand that each one has its own domain, and in reality they do not compete in claims on each other on the same question. Instead we should be able to see them in complementing each other on many issues. Although the manifestation of absolute freedom with science, in fascination of technology shall involve moral responsibility.

Synoptics Gospels:
We touched upon the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) reminding us that the Beatitudes are the core values of the teaching of Jesus (CCC 1716-1729) summarized in short, showing us the way to Kingdom of God.

A quote from Mother Teresa: “At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”

Therefore in the final analysis it is the sincere hope that the studies in the Seminary will guide and lead everyone of us to 做耶穌兵.

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