Dennis of year three gave me a book by Fr. Henri Nouwen two years ago. Since then, Fr. Nouwen’s work has been in my radar. I like his writing about “wounded healer”. He wrote: “Nobody escapes being wounded. We all are wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not “How can we hide our wounds?” so we don’t have to be embarrassed, but “How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?” When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers.”
God never waste a hurt. Our hurt could become our best ministry. Who can accompany a miscarried mother better than another mother who suffered from the same lost? Who know how to support someone who try to quit drinking better than an ex-alcoholic who fought with the same devil before?
創會人 Alex 是更生人士,他的故事很不平凡。人的罪過,悔改及天主的慈愛在他身上完全彰顯出來。Alex 年輕時犯了殺人罪,坐了幾十年的監,但在神父,教友義工的關懷下,誠心悔改,皈依耶穌基督。
由 Alex 去幫助更生人士是最好不過的,他是典型的 “wounded healer”。Alex 深知罪惡對靈魂的誘惑和毒害,身在罪惡中的痛苦,在罪惡深淵中的掙扎與無能為力,以及天主對罪人的憐憫與慈愛,與獲救的喜樂。
香港的租金實在太貴,「羊棧」最初只能提供六個宿位,但已經令到協會承受很大財政壓力,協會沒有恆常收入,但支出卻是恆常的支出。如果這是一盤生意,這無異於財政自殺; Alex卻因為天主的使命和信德,在這樣的情況下開始了「羊棧」。在天主的供應下,竟然開成了第一間「羊棧」。現在的首要工作就是要建立恆常收入。希望各位有心人能慷慨解囊,幫助這些有心改過,處境艱難的兄弟。
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