2022 has been a year that I am truly grateful for. On one hand, I officially completed my 37 years career in Nursing and on the other, my son graduated from University. This made me feel that I have fulfilled my role as a father, as he is now able to support himself and continue his own journey.
I dedicate this all to God, who has been guiding me from the very beginning. He has never given up on me and He will continue to be the one I look up to. The gifts He has given me cannot be quantified with a number, but I feel one of the most important gifts is Faith. I was born in a religious family, which allowed me to immerse in Faith in God early on in my life. Thank you God for bringing religion into my life and my family.
With his guidance, blessings and enlightenment, I receive experiences and joys in life that I could never have imagined. With this in mind, I told myself that after I retire I need to use the teachings of Christ in life and spread the word of God. Therefore, I decided to be more actively involved in church activities, such as participating in volunteer work to help the ones in need and joining the organisation committees to help plan celebrations and gatherings. I have also started studying in a 4-year bachelor’s course in Religion.
I would like to share with you one of my favourite verses from the Bible, “Have confidence in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not upon thy own prudence. In all thy ways think on him, and he will direct thy steps.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I wholeheartedly believe that Jesus Christ has the best plans for me, and as Fr. Ng said in Fundamental Moral Theology class, the essence of Moral Theology is responding to God’s call. When I am involved in Church services, I feel the power and the blessings that God gives me, I often ask myself: How can I not use the talents that God gives me, I often ask myself: How can I not use the talents that God has given me to spread His word and to share my faith with others?
I am truly grateful to Him for pointing me in the right directions, as I am able to see, feel and sense God in all and everything. As St. Paul wrote in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all.”
Thank you God for all the love and blessings he has shown me, I look forward to continuing this journey with his guidance!