St Paul in writing to the Thessalonians does not scold them for not living the life that they are meant to lead. Indeed, he openly acknowledges that they are already living holy lives as is expected of them. What he does is to provide encouragement to them to continue doing so. He also exhorts them not to rest on their laurels but rather to continue striving towards making more progress. This implies that we are never to think we have 'made it' but rather to strive all the harder.
It is also interesting that in his call to holiness, he does not harp on the need for extra prayers and sacrifice. Rather, there seems to be an emphasis on an inner disposition and wholeness that is expressed in exemplary lives. Often we seem to look at holiness in terms of external piety but the true test is ultimately the life we lead and the witness we show.
Linking this with the Gospel, perhaps we need also to see holiness in terms of being ready to face any eventuality that the Lord may put along our path. The Boy Scout/Girl Guide pledge to 'Be Perpared' also applies to each Christian. The surprises that we may encounter in life are to be seen as opportunities to grow in holiness rather than stumbling blocks meant to trip us up. We are called to see the hand of God working in everything that comes along our path and to welcome it with joy!
Lord, may I be holy as You are holy!