Contrast illuminates and highlights today's teachings on the humility
acceptable to God.
In Ecclesiasticus, v 19ff tells us meekness and humility will unlock
the mysteries of God's actions. The writer contrasts the wise, humble man
with the stubborn, proud one. The one chooses to listen attentively
with his heart to God's wisdom, while the other loves self-promoting
display too deeply to allow him an awreness of God's power.
In Hebrews, the contrast between the two Covenants is symbolised by the
two mountains, of Sinai (the Old Covenant) and Zion (the new Covenant
of the heavenly Jerusalem).
Then in Luke's Gospel, Jesus Himself uses a parable to contrast the
proud and self-serving guests with those who humbly seat themselves in
lowly positions. The reward meted out is also contrasted: '. . . everyone
who exalts himself will be humbled and the man who humbles himself will
be exalted' (v 11). Again, in His words to the host, He lauds behaviour
that is in contrast to the normal ethic of reciprocity. The socially
unacceptable ones are to be the sought after guests, not those who can
return favours.
This counter-cultural behaviour is what pleases God. It is humility in
the face of worldly expectations that is rewarded by God.
Lord, help us to review our values in terms of Your teachings on
humility. Amen.