The Prophet Haggai foretold that the glory of the second temple would
be greater than that of Solomon's. Although poor and unimposing by
comparison, it would be honoured by the presence of the Messiah. At the time
of Jesus, this temple was being restored on a grand scale by King Herod
to win the favour of the Jews.
The Gospel passage tells us that when the Messiah did come, few
recognized Him. Stranger still, when Peter in the name of all the apostles
declared Jesus to be the Christ, "He gave them strict orders not to say
this to anyone" (Lk. 9:21). To proclaim Jesus openly as the Messiah would
have been a political issue for most of the people and for the Romans.
Bloody riots had been caused by false messiahs at this time.
However, the greatest obstacle to the preaching of Jesus did not come
from the false expectations of the people for a "conquering Messiah" but
from "the elders and chief priests and scribes' who rejected Jesus and
plotted His death. They saw in "the carpenter of Nazareth" a threat to
their power and influence and wealth. Throughout the centuries and in
many countries, we find sad and tragic examples of religion being abused
by religious leaders for personal gain.
Merciful Jesus, deliver us from ministers of religion who destroy
religion by their pride and avarice.