April 2002


Prayer for Vocations

Holy Father, look upon this humanity of ours,
that is taking its first steps along the path of
the Third Millennium.

Its life is still deeply marked
by hatred, violence and oppression,
but the thirst for justice, truth and grace
still finds a space in the hearts of many people,
who are waiting for someone to bring salvation,
enacted by You through Your Son Jesus.

There is the need for courageous heralds of
the Gospel, for generous servants of
suffering humanity.

Send holy priests to Your Church, we pray,
who may sanctify Your people
with the tools of Your grace.

Send numerous consecrated men and women,
that they may show Your holiness in the
midst of the world.

Send holy labourers into Your vineyard,
that they may labour with the fervour of charity
and, moved by Your Holy Spirit,
may bring the salvation of Christ
to the farthest ends of the Earth. Amen.

Pope John Paul II

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