In the Gospel Jesus tells us that the time to which the Prophets have looked forward with such desire has come ?the time when God would visit His people and establish His peace and justice and the reign of His love in this world. Yes, Jesus is proclaiming that God is acting powerfully now to establish His kingdom, to fulfil His promises, to bring healing and liberation to His people. The Kingdom announced by John the Baptist has come to life in Jesus.
Jesus begins His public ministry. It starts with the call of His first disciples: Andrew, Simon, James and John. They abandon their trades and leave their families to follow Jesus. Their response to Christ is so complete it becomes a model for all future kinds of discipleship.
What binds disciples throughout the world together is the effort to place Jesus seriously as Lord of their lives. To remain with family and job as a Christian disciple requires many subtle judgements but can be as challenging, radical and rewarding as is leaving everything to follow Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Lord of our life, help us to work with You to bring God's Kingdom into reality. Let us follow You closely and faithfully. Amen.