To acknowledge Christ as the Son of God is to have the assurance of God's immense love for us. In this assurance is the promise: "ask and you will receive and so your joy will be complete." This joy that Christ refers to is the extent to which we enjoy the gifts God has for us in this world - may it be a beautiful sunrise, music, successes in life, realization that we are alive, making others happy, helping others to be free persons, listening to the Word of God and doing the little things in life with love.
Such joy was also experienced by Jesus Himself who felt and expressed the joy when He attended the wedding feast at Cana and worked His first miracle by changing the water into wine.
It is in reflecting on the joyful experiences we have that we can really enter into the joyful experiences of Jesus. Such joy will motivate us to greater zeal and love for others especially those who are deprived of this in their lives. This is what Apollos did in his energetic way in refuting the Jews in public and using his knowledge of the Scriptures to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour.
Thus the joy is ". . . the Father Himself loves you for loving me and believing me that I came from God". (Jn. 16:24).
Lord, help us to be grateful for the joy we experience and to bring this joy to others especially those who are deprived of it.