Today, we pray at the foot of the Cross, but "what does the Cross mean to me personally?" First, we may think that it is "a scandal". Yes, a good man is crucified for us, intercedes for us, accepts the responsibility of faults which He has not committed. We are the beneficiaries. Yet, Jews in the time of Jesus, says St Paul, considered the Cross as something unbelievable, "a scandal" (1 Cor. 1:23). Even His disciples did not understand it.
Why should we follow the way of the Cross? Because the Cross is perfect love, because it manifests a love which carries us, humans, until the end. There are many things in our life which lead us to the love of God, but at times we don't see them. We have to stop before a crucifix and when we see the capacity for suffering of God, of Jesus Christ, then we understand what love is. Jesus had manifested His love for us. In the Calvary we see love in action.
The Cross is also a historical fact in today's world. Many suffer injustices, terrorism, kidnappings etc. Like Jesus they are crucified. When we go today to kiss and adore the Cross, let us remember the love of Christ, and also the many who are being crucified. Let us promise to do something for them.
O Lord Jesus, you have saved us by Your cross. Give us the courage to overcome evil and all injustices of the world by the strength of Your love.