For God all things are possible, and so it was possible for God to send His only Son to dwell amongst ordinary human beings. Today's gospel shows John going about his task of baptizing people. In the course of his mission he recognises God's Chosen One. This must have been a truly momentous occasion for John as it would be for someone today. To suddenly recognize the Son of God would be awesome.
However it doesn't stop there. We are all God's children and we should all try to think and act as He has taught us. It is only through sin or not doing what God wishes us to do that we turn away from God. John's letter reminds us that God has lavished this love on us by calling us His children. So why do we turn away from Him through sin? If after all God has done for us we still sin, we are reminded again that God sent His only Son to take sins away.
We need to appreciate God's overwhelming generosity and goodness towards human beings. We should always trust God as our Father and strive to follow His teachings as best we can. Then we can always approach God with petitions no matter how big or small they might be.
Lord, help us to appreciate what You have done for us.