Today marks the end of the beautiful Christmas season. And the beginning of Jesus' public life. Actually the Epiphany, last Sunday, celebrated the three public manifestations (epiphanies) of Jesus: to the Magi; to the shepherds, and to John the Baptist and his disciples at the Jordan River. But since the liturgy then focused on the appearance of the Magi, we have a special feast today to celebrate the Baptism.
What does the Baptism of Jesus mean for our faith? It is a sign that John's baptism of repentance has to precede Jesus' baptism of rebirth and the Holy Spirit. That is, we need to be converted, to turn away from our old life of sin and selfishness before we can receive the life-giving transforming baptism of Jesus.
It is striking to reflect that Jesus Himself, the sinless one, insisted on undergoing John's baptism too. Why? To show us how true and deep was His self-emptying (Phil. 2:6) love for us. How do we respond to such a radical, total love? Can we die to our old selves - be emptied of our self-love and self-seeking - so that we can be filled with Jesus Christ? If so, we are ready to journey with Him and His apostles as He begins His public life.
Help me, Lord, to follow You in the total giving of myself to the Father's service.