July 2003

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That governments and those responsible for the economy and finance of the world, may make an effort to guarantee all peoples the necessary means to live in a dignified way.

Reflecting on the problems of uprooting and the urgency of remedying injustices which developed after the tragic events of September 11, the Holy Father wants us to consider the great responsibility every government and country has in reducing all forms of burdens which dehumanise people. He also calls on those with considerable influence in the fields of economy and finance to act decisively and find ways to meet the challenges of our time.

These responsibilities can be backed by acting together in a combined effort by exercising pressure on every political, economic and financial level so that the process of development grows in the direction of justice and sharing for the individual and the countries of the world. It becomes our duty, especially when we are in positions of influence and power, to bear witness to that love that God has for us by taking our responsibilities seriously in politics, the economy and finance.

We Christians, though collectively small in numbers, are nevertheless reminded to fulfil our roles and commitment in the fields of education, training and of participation in political life.

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