September 2003

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That the countries suffering from war, terrorism and violence may find the way of reconciliation, concord and peace.

We believe with conviction that Christ alone is "our peace", thereby reaffirming that He himself is the Father's gift of peace to all humanity. By destroying sin and hatred and calling everyone to harmony and fellowship He came to unite what was divided; He is therefore the "head and exemplar of that renewed humanity, imbued with pure love, sincerity and spirit of peace, to which all aspire.

However, the reality is that many countries suffer frequently from war and terrorism. It becomes the mission of particular churches in such situations to promote unity and reconciliation by rejecting every form of violence, terror and blackmail, since it is society that suffers from these sad situations. There can be no peace when life, security, physical integrity and freedom are undermined and violated. There can be no peace when this most basic good is not protected. It is not possible to invoke peace and despise life.

Hence, Christian communities are urged to be privileged places of acceptance and of generous commitment to authentic peace. They are to remove obstacles, tear down walls, encourage initiatives and projects in collaboration and social dialogue with individuals and groups concerned with achieving peace. We are invited to be instruments of peace, sowers of harmony and artisans of forgiveness.

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