Jesus uses a key text from the Scriptures to counteract the allegations of the Pharisees: "I desire mercy and not sacrifice". The dominant religious, cultural and legal systems expoused by the authorities did not have the interests of the "have-nots" but rather pandered to their own advancement and that of the upper social classes.
The needy, the 'hungry' (the disciples were really hungry) were left to fend for themselves. However, in Jesus' scheme of things the central place is taken not only by human concern understood in general terms but in a decisive option for the poor and the weak. It is from this perspective that all our morality and social behaviour has to be revised and interpreted. All of us face the danger of misunderstanding people, judging and condemning them in the name of laws sacred and secular.
Advocating a new human and social order where all humans including the poor and downtrodden will occupy a central place eventually led Jesus to His suffering and death on the Cross. Are we ready to walk in His way and face violent reactions from others?
Your word O Lord is a lamp to my feet; a light on my path.