The readings for today offer us thought for prayer, for here is the richness of knowing the Holy Trinity through the Bible.
The first reading on Wisdom personified is a reflection on Israel's accumulated experience of God through the centuries. Wisdom is seen as close to God, yet not identical with God. With Wisdom, Israel understood the complexities of its experience of God.
The second reading has Paul discussing the elements of the experience of Christ, i.e "peace with God" (Rom.5:1) and "hope" (Rom.5:4), both of which are promises of final salvation. 'Peace with God" is the effect of salvation, linked with the coming of Christ. It is a state of grace, coming from faith in Jesus in our lives, not anything of our own action. Having been justified by Christ's coming, we can "boast", or rather, rejoice in hope of heaven, of sharing the glory of God in eternal life. With this Christian hope, we can be strong in difficulties when we are tested.
In the third reading, Jesus Himself tells us of the Spirit of Truth who comes to guide us, to glorify Jesus, and so proclaim the Father. Accepting this aspect of "God with us" to the end of time means it is never necessary to feel lost. The Third Person of the Triune God is there when we try to live out the Gospel, and He reveals the God who is the centre and focus of our daily lives.
Lord, You are our Triune God. Teach us to live in harmony with others and proclaim the Good News.