Jesus and his disciples were obviously very hungry. They had gone out into a field of corn in order to find something to eat and were eating the corn straight off the cob. It was easy for the Pharisees to find fault with the actions of Jesus and the disciples as they were doing "physical work" on the Sabbath - the day of rest. With discernment, however, the Pharisees would have realized just how hungry these men were and instead of criticizing could have offered them something to eat.
How often do we judge a situation without reflecting on why a person is doing something? The world would be a much kinder and better place to live in if only we would think carefully before we made a judgment about other people. We often act without knowing all the facts. It is wise to use discernment and try to walk "a mile in the other person's shoes". Then we might be in a better position to be more understanding and not as quick to condemn.
Jesus and the disciples were hungry and the Pharisees insisted that they abide by "the rules". We live in a world where many people go hungry. Yet there is plenty of food so that no one need ever starve. It is rules imposed by humans that have caused people to go hungry.
Lord, help us to see the way You see in our encounters with others.