Prophet Amos is not a pure spoilsport. He seeks a just order and, his social revolution aims at the interior human heart which wishes to listen. The principle is well proved: we cannot serve two masters (this is our Gospel today) and hope to lead a quiet and tranquil life in devotion and dignity.
In the Gospel, what Jesus commends and ought to be imitated by us, followers of Christ is that, "If the children of this world are diligent, we, children of the light, should be as much or more diligent." If we use as much initiative, enterprise, cleverness in striving for our supernatural goals but legitimately as the crooks use crooked means to further their worldly goals, we would all be "true Christian saints".
We are well accustomed to seeing people make unbelievable sacrifices in order to improve their "life style" or standard of living. Well, we Christians must put the same amount of effort into the service of God. This undertaking has both a material and a spiritual dimension.
Ask the Holy Spirit for that effectiveness, for He will grant it to you.