All of today's readings talk about how to live an upright and generous life. It is about hearing God's word and putting it into practice in our lives so that we can be a light in our world today. In the Gospel reading Jesus asks us not to keep our light hidden but to let it shine out for others to see and thus give glory to God.
How to do this is spelled out in practical ways in today's first reading and in the psalm. The five proverbs call us to be generous to the call of our neighbour and not to delay in answering this call. It calls us to live at peace with others, and refrain from quarreling, causing disturbance and being envious. Then people can see our good deeds and give glory to God. The psalm spells out further how to live justly and be honest and truthful in our dealings with others.
As we reflect on these readings and on our own lives we are asked to trim our lamps so that they can shine ever more brightly and give even greater glory to our Father who created us and gifted us. Humility is truth so let us not keep our gifts and talents hidden but use them for the good of our neighbour and the service of others.
Jesus we pray that as we remain close to You and learn from You our lives will radiate Your light in our world today.