Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full. His disciples shared this mission and gift of healing and restoring people to health and fullness of life. This we see in the stories in today's first reading. Because of these gifts shared by the twelve, the Church was growing in number and enjoying the consolation of the Holy Spirit.
But as always in the Church, some will remain faithful to Jesus and continue to follow Him. Others will find His teaching too hard to accept especially, when He talks about the Eucharist and giving us His body to eat and His blood to drink. Some will turn away and go back to their former way of life.
Jesus puts a very searching question to His disciples " Will you also go away"
Simon Peter in his self-assured way answers, "To whom shall we go but to thee" yet we know that later he denies Jesus while another betrays him. They have great intentions but they also have their weak moments. Yet Jesus continues to call them. Jesus offers us this same fullness of life but we know we too are often weak we want to follow Jesus more closely and we know this is His invitation to each of us. He has promised that He is with us always but sometimes we ignore His presence and walk other paths.
Lord keep us faithful to You and help us to continue to follow You on the path that leads to life.