The Gospel reading presents an appealing image of Jesus as the Shepherd. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep by name, they hear His voice, and follow Him. He always protects them from any adversary or adversity. Jesus as Shepherd is our guardian and guide. He is also the door or the gate through which we enter into eternal life. If we go to Him and through Him, as the reading suggests, we will find pasture, refreshment, and peace. It is in Him that we have life.
However, the reading is also a condemnation of the thieves and the robbers. If the flock needs protection it is from someone or something. In John's Gospel this episode is a continuation of the attack on the authorities, the religious leaders of the people. They are compared to the thieves and brigands. Their purpose is to steal and to destroy. It is a sobering judgement on those who should be the shepherds of the people. The words also warn us to be aware of false teachers, leaders, and guides.
We must listen to the voice of the true shepherd, learn to recognize it, and then follow. The believing community will discern the voice of the good shepherd and in fact this is our responsibility as Christians. Jesus is the gate and the way for all leaders in the Church and for all Chrisitians. Only by following Him do we gain eternal life. The gospel extends an invitation to us to assess if we are following the Lord in our families, in our communitiess, and in our Chruch.
Lord, teach me to hear Your voice always.