The parable of the persistant friend (Lk.11:5-8) stresses that persistence in prayer is surely to be rewarded with a positive response. Even when a friend or neighbour does not want to offer help, persistant pleading would certainly make him or her finally yield to the request. Thus how much more will God answer the persevering prayer of those in need. Hence we need to go on praying even if we do not receive an immediate answer.
Similarly in verses 9-13, we are told to express our petitions with the attitude of: asking, seeking and knocking and God will certainly respond. If our earthly father knows how to give good gifts to his children, what is more of the heavenly Father.
The first reading reiterates this fact that those who trust and fear God will be blessed for "...those who fear the Lord talked to each other and He listened and heard". We are assured of His presence if we continue to trust and have faith in God.
However, we need to remember that 'prayer' does not change the 'mind' of God but can transform us by making us more open to receive God's free gifts to us. By this we also can overcome our sense of pride, self-centredness and stubbornness in our attitude towards life and our relationship with God, particularly in prayer.
Lord, help us to approach You with humility and trust so that whatever Your response to our prayer may be, we receive it with gratitude and love.