The miracle of the 'Feeding of the Five Thousand' as in today's Gospel reading is found in all four Gospels. It was considered of great importance because the early Church saw in the event an implicit anticipation of the messianic banquet, the Eucharistic symbolism, Jesus' compassion for the people and the responsibility of the disciples to minister to the people who are needy.
In the Eucharistic symbolism, we see the three-fold action of 'taking', 'blessing' and 'breaking' bread. This reflects Jesus' gestures during the Last Supper (Mt. 26:26). The idea of the heavenly banquet in God's kingdom is also implied.
St Matthew also highlighted the role of the disciples in the whole event. They are portrayed as intermediaries in the distribution of bread and gathering of the leftovers. In this way, they shared in Jesus' ministry. Similarly, by our Baptism, we share in Jesus' mission in attending to the needs of the people around us, thus participating in the work of evangelization in this part of the world where we live. This is the mission entrusted to us by Jesus.
Lord, help us to be your true witnesses particularly to those around us who are deprived and marginalized.