God is the God of Salvation, so said Isaiah in 35:4 "Look your God is coming. He is coming to save you". Isaiah's message of hope at a time of political turmoil came across in his powerful prophecies. He saw a world at peace, a new Creation where conflicting elements in nature and among humans were reconciled. He foretold a complete and profound transformation in all creation, humans and beasts alike, all renewed in Christ.
These prophecies were not just empty words, for the messianic promises were fulfilled in the healing actions of Jesus. The miracles He performed were signs of salvation for they renewed people to their very core - these miracles healed also in the forgiving of sins and the granting of grace and new life. He touched the ears and tongue of the deaf-mute - such actions are also symbols of baptism, of the receiving of new life. Infants at baptism are prayed over thus: "May the Lord Jesus who made the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak, let you soon hear His word and profess your faith."
Freed from sin by baptism, one is free to hear God's word and to praise and acknowledge the Lord with one's tongue. Re-birth in Christ signifies one is no longer interiorly deaf or dumb, blind or lame. Being open to faith means one posesses the ability to know God and to walk in His footsteps.
Lord, may You "reign for ever" ( Ps:145:10), and may You keep faith for ever with us who need You to renew us. (Psalm 145). Amen.