In the Old Testament (Lev.19:18) we find the law of love of our neighbour formulated but the concept of "neighbour" was limited to the members of the people of Israel and those who in one way or other were incorporated into Israel.
Now, Jesus raises the principle of love of our neighbour to a universal standard without any distinction. Not to follow or practise this standard would be to remain at the level of the publicans, who remain loving and united only among themselves, or at the level of the pagans.
Therefore, following the teaching of Jesus, "we should imitate the behaviour of God" who as Jesus establishes, loves with a universal love. God does not make distinctions, He makes the Sun come out over everybody. This is a new vision and interpretation of God, since the Jewish people considered themselves to be preferred by God among all peoples.
This realization that we are also special to God obliges us to aim and work for perfection, a perfection which consists in our faith and life forming a unity. Everything for God without distinctions or favouritisms in our human life.
Lord Jesus, make my heart and life loving and universally open like Yours without distinction or boundaries.