Three separate teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. Briefly, we are being told that, while we are called actively to share and give witness to our Christian faith before others, we do not invite them in such a way that they would just make fun of it. So, while we give witness to the values of the Gospel, we do not just baptise or give Communion to anyone who asks. To be a full member there are certain standards expected.
"Do to others as you would want them to do to you." The famous Golden Rule, found in many cultures. Notice that it does not say: "Do to others as they do to you." Rather it is to be linked to the words of Jesus the other day about not returning violence with violence.
The Way of the Gospel is a guaranteed road to fulfilment, peace and happiness but it is challenging. The wide road where one does anything one likes is very attractive and would seem to be a recipe for fulfilment but experience shows that it can lead only to disillusionment and deep unhappiness.
Lord, You are the gate of my life.