Our Gospel passage today is one that is dear to many of us - it includes the parables of the shepherd in search of the lost sheep and of the woman in search of the lost coin. In the case of the parable of the lost coin, perhaps it strikes us so strongly because we ourselves, or else people whom we know, have been acquainted with such poverty that even a small coin was essential in order to feed the family.
Jesus reveals God as both the shepherd in search of the lost sheep and the woman in search of the lost coin. In the first case, we are told of a shepherd who cares so much for a single sheep that he is willing to risk all in search for it - so precious is it to him. The woman of the second parable too goes to great trouble in order to find what may appear small to our eyes, but is of immense value to her - perhaps a matter of life and death. So important is the discovery of both the sheep and the coin that the owners feel no shame in calling their neighbours and friends to rejoice with them over the rediscovery.
In light of these parables, the first reading becomes more understandable. "This is why you should never pass judgment on a brother or sister or treat them with contempt, as some of you have done." Why? Because each of us is precious in the sight of the Lord, each of us is of inestimable value, not only to the Lord, but to the other members of the human family as well.
Lord, help us to learn to show greater respect for one another - especially for the outsiders whom Jesus loved so deeply.