The episode of the visits of Jesus to the home of Martha and Mary demonstrate two ways of welcoming Jesus. Martha welcomes Jesus into her home then busies herself with much serving to the point of anxiety. Her sister, Mary, on the other hand, welcomes Jesus by sitting at the Lord's feet and is ready to be instructed in the ways of God.
Jesus, nevertheless, enlarges the scope of Martha's life by instructing her in the act of overcoming stress and anxiety, that is, by being present to Him in the simplicity of her work. In this way she is instructed to welcome Him without the anxiety of preparing an elaborate meal.
As Christians, we are reminded that material concerns and cares should not be allowed to take precedence over single-minded following of Jesus. At a time when only 'men' could receive rabbinic instruction, it is significant that Jesus uses Mary's attitude to point the way for all disciples. The heart of Christian discipleship is to welcome God's word into one's heart. To be listeners and doers (Lk. 8:15) of God's word - that is the way to welcome Jesus in our lives. In the Old Testament too, we have the example of Jonah who listens to God's word but only on the second time round does he act on the word and set off on his mission to Nineveh bringing God's presence to the people.
Lord, help us to welcome You in our lives.