"Can you drink the cup of suffering that I am about to drink?" It is a question which Christ not only addresses to John and James, sons of Zebedee, but also to each and everyone of us who are called to follow Him. To follow Christ is to be Christ. To be Christ is to risk our lives to build His Kingdom on earth.
In the process of building God's Kingdom on earth, we will definitely encounter difficulties. We will experience frustration and conflicts. Sometimes we will even be misunderstood and judged wrongly by others. In all these experiences what will be my reactions and emotions?
"Is evil the payment for good?" (Jer. 18:20) was the cry of Jeremiah the prophet. Jeremiah was called by God to urge and challenge Israel, the chosen people of God, to repent of their evil deeds. Instead of listening to Jeremiah, the people plotted against him.
We cannot run away from suffering. What is important is the way we face it. Like Jeremiah, in moments of suffering and disappointment, let us pour out our hearts to God. Let us surrender our emotions to Him. Because it is only when we are able to talk about it, to accept and to surrender, that we experience the peace and joy which Christ gives to those who follow Him to the Cross.
Lord, give us the strength and courage to drink the cup of suffering which we need to drink in order to change our lives.