In today's Gospel reading, we may wonder why Jesus praised the dishonest steward. He is praised only for one thing - for wisely recognizing the critical aspect of the situation in which he finds himself and for acting prudently and resolutely in view of making his life secure again. So it is not the dishonesty that is praised but the prudence with which he acts when he is confronted with a critical situation.
Jesus used this parable to challenge those who follow him so that they are able to take a Prudent and wise decision based on the kingdom values. Jesus also invites the listeners of the parable to a prudent use of their possessions particularly when confronted with a crisis whether to follow Jesus' way or values of the world.
Living in today's modern society, we, the disciples of Jesus have a great and challenging mission entrusted to us by Jesus. In our zeal to want to share the Good News to all around us, how decisive are we in our decision-making and planning process?
Similarly in Paul's letter to the Philippians, we are reminded that our ultimate aim in life on earth is not our possessions but to recognize the fact that 'our homeland is in heaven where we will be with Christ ¡K' (Phil. 3:20).
Lord, help us to be prudent in making our choices in life.