10 Jul
14th Week in Ordinary Time
Ss Augustine Zhao Rong, priest & Comps. martyrs
Gen. 46:1-7,28-30
Ps. 36(37):3-4,18-19, 27-28,39-40
Mt. 10:16-23
(Ps Wk II)
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What is described in Matthew's Gospel is quite relevant today, though it would have sounded frightening to the disciples being sent out to the towns of Israel, on their initial mission by Jesus.

However, when Matthew's Gospel was being written the early Christian community was actually being persecuted by the authorities of that time. Jesus' value system of liberation, freedom, justice was a threat to the dominant, exploitative system. The disciples were risking their lives in the proclamation of the Gospel.

To "be handed over" can be a frightening experience for us today as well but as disciples of the Lord, we are assured by his promise: "know that I am with you always; yet to the end of time." (Mt. 28:20).

As disciples proclaiming the values of the Kingdom, we will experience betrayals even by those whom we trusted most; but the creating-sanctifying spirit is always in control. God's word will eventually break through for God's word will not return to him empty.

Lord, pray in us that we make Your Word our home.

Eternal Father, I offer You everything I do this day; my thoughts, words, joys and sufferings. Grant that, vivified by the Holy Spirit and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my life this day may be of service to You and to others. I also pray that all those preparing for marriage discover in Sacrament the source of Christ's grace for living a fithful and fruitful love. Amen.

That the Christians of the Middle East may live their faith in full freedom and be an instrument of peace and reconciliation.

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