Paul affirms that we are ambassadors of Christ. An ambassador does not speak or act on his own behalf, but on behalf of the nation or person he represents. An ambassador must be tactful, courteous, understanding, urbane. Though he does not use Paul's image of an ambassador, Jesus is hinting at the same reality in his Sermon on the Mount when he deals with the way we should speak.
Pope Paul VI summed up this teaching when he once remarked to a group of pilgrims: "You are the only Gospel many people will ever read!" As ambassadors of Christ, all that we say and do should reflect the spirit of his Gospel.
Evangelical politeness demands that we do not swear at all, as Jesus tell us. The Gospel had no need of any exaggerated expression or affirmation from us.
Similarly with our actions. In the Daily Offering we offer all our daily life to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The prayer demands that we do not offer a defective gift. We are weak, of course, and may easily fall, but our intention should be to offer as perfect a gift as possible to Jesus.
Holy Spirit as you guide us in the way of Jesus, grant that the truth and the light of the Gospel may shine forth in our lives.