"Anyone who sees me, sees the One who sent me." (Jn. 12:45).
This constant reference to God the Father by Jesus reveals His intimacy and union with His Father. His deep experience of His Father made their relationship absolutely one with each other. This also allowed Him to have the consciousness that His whole being, life and work centred on this Divine Force in His Father. Thus it was possible for Him to say: "What the Father has told me is what I speak." (V 50) "What I speak comes not from myself but from within the Father." (V 49).
This reflects the one mission that Jesus came for on earth. It is from the Father who sent Him, who in turn sends us.
So, as we enter into the deepest inner experience of Jesus and make it our own, we have the privilege to experience Jesus as a presence (God-with-us). This is the revelation of Jesus in our midst today - even in the most disheartening events and experiences of our time - pain, suffering caused by conflicts, wars that separate people from one another and even death.
What is our response to these? Are we conscious of the Mission entrusted to us as followers of Christ? Are we ready to be sent like Paul and Barnabas on missionary journeys to distant lands where they preached the Word of God? May our Easter experience take us to where God wants us to be!
Lord, grant us the grace to be true Easter people and Your faithful witnesses to those around us.