There are two virtues that we can learn from today's dialogue between Jesus and Peter.
The first one is generosity. It is always dangerous to have the kind of thinking which Saint Peter had. When we look so closely at what we give to God, we don't see what else we can offer to Him and how better we can serve Him. When we are so much concerned about our sacrifices, we usually don't realize how much more we have received from God. Before God we are not like workers who deserve payment, but like humble servants who will never be able to repay to God for the multitude of graces received.
The second virtue is patience. Jesus reminds us today that we usually receive wonderful gifts from God at the time of hardships and difficulties. In this way God teaches us that it is necessary and profitable to endure even suffering and be persistent in doing good. Our perseverance and faithfulness to God here on earth prepares us for our eternal reward in heaven.
"Give to the Most High as He has given to you, generously as your means can afford; for the Lord is a good rewarder, He will reward you seven times over. Offer Him no bribe, He will not accept it, do not put your faith in an unvirtuous sacrifice; since the Lord is a judge who is no respecter of personages" - wise Sirach admonishes us in today's the first reading.
M.ay our every gift and sacrifice be a sign of our fervent love to You, Lord.